Consulting and optimization of methodical surface treatment are part of our core competences.
We support our customers while launching new products as well as whenever needed.
A characteristic feature:
The On-site counselling interview
After the first interview, our analysis of current production process beginns always considering individual needs and special requirements.
Changes or new objectives are determined with our team of consultants. Suggestions for improvements are verified regarding reasonabiltiy and reliability, and finally checked within trials, in accord with the customer.
Many companies offer products of their own. Our independence enables us to freely choose products that will exactly fulfill your requirements, regardless of their origin. The independence of suppliers enables MWS to offer all available products that otherwise couldn't be offered. Hence the process reliability might be increased considerably, and expense for further treatment may be reduced.
MWS takes the senior part regarding the introduction of new methods or new materials. By using modern means of communication, the employees at the production line are prepared for changes and trained.
The implementation of new methods in our business goes along with new products.
Customized problems are considered, solutions are worked out and partly developed until patent application.